Intuitive Energy Coaching
Helping you envision and create life through the lens of joy.

If you feel like you’ve been surviving, you know this is not as good as it gets, and you believe there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing, energy coaching can open you to a new awareness of how to create your life.
Perhaps it’s time to explore this new path. It invites you to recognize the workings of your life at a deeper level to improve the potential results. Working with energy creates a deeper foundation of self-understanding from which we can build on.
“I started working with Maria a few months ago and sought her out due to a constant theme of unhappiness and distress in my life. In those few months, I went from being unconfident and pessimistic to finding genuine joy in my daily life and then some. From our very first session, Maria was able to set me up for success mentally, physically, and emotionally, and for that, I will forever be grateful!”
Everyone is familiar with the phrase, “life is a journey”. The intuitive energy path is one method to facilitate the experience of that journey.
This method has been around for ages and is now gaining traction for it allows new perspectives on how to navigate and direct this journey called life. Many of us feel forced into accepting the “rules of life” whether they be universal laws, spiritual truths and/or family values.
Working through and with the building blocks of life, of which energy is integral, intuitive energy coaching gives opportunity for the greatest amount of change because it goes to the source of how the life journey unfolded and continues to unfold.
Many years ago, I would scoff at the idea of joy. I didn’t “get” it. I wasn’t raised in a home where I heard people speak about it. The focus was generally on what could possibly go wrong or has already gone wrong. This is called survival mode.
Survival mode is a mind and body experience where our mind continuously plays worst case scenarios and our body experiences chronic nervous system dysregulation. In survival mode, we cannot access joy. This is because joy can most powerfully be experienced when we feel safe.
What would have to happen in your life to shift the path from surviving to thriving? What would have to happen for you to feel joy right within the struggle, the mundane, and within the learning? The answer is energy.
Since there are many paths, there are many choices. In energy coaching, we explore the journey that you are on, navigating those choices and the programs and patterns they are rooted in.
As your coach, I will teach you to navigate your energy, just like learning to use a new muscle, to shift from surviving to thriving, in the arenas of life – health, wealth, abundance, relationship, career.
“Before working with Maria, I was experiencing debilitating anxiety, specifically around making and receiving personal and professional phone calls. This was negatively impacting my career and stealing my confidence. I had worked with a number of traditional therapists but I had not found relief from my issues. Maria helped me uncover deep-seated energetic blocks, and now, it’s like the problem never even existed.”